Then in April they switched us to myself receiving the free $4 and hubby would be playing with a free $3 reward. Hubby was receiving the $4 and I found I was being given $3 in free money. And we figured that is why they've been sending one of us $4 free to play each week during the last few months. We inquired at the cage regarding this (because how can we pay our food bill in the Court Cafe without points?!) and were advised that corporate changed the points system by simply taking them away. We wondered why when we would put our player's club cards into a reader on a machine it would always show 'Points: 0' even after gambling on the penny slot.
Boyd Gaming has seen fit to remove all live gaming in this casino.sure you can play Blackjack on a big machine, you can play Craps on a Big Machine, same with Roulette but we never see anyone playing them.